Because if there's Ads for All, there's health for all
Ads for All
Havas Lynx Manchester
LGBTQ+ people face shocking inequalities within healthcare. Prejudice. Discrimination. Under-diagnosis. Advertising has a huge part to play in that. Which is why, during Pride, we decided to do more than just fly a rainbow. We made a commitment to do right by the LGBQT+ community.

We partnered with the LGBTQ+ Foundation and created Ads For All. Our bold messages highlighted the ignorance of our own industry, showing how it treats LGBTQ+ people as though they don’t get sick. By creating these controversial headlines, we aimed to shock from the get-go. According to the industry, gay men don’t get cancer. Lesbians certainly don’t get diabetes. By putting these outlandish statements in front of our own staff and clients, we made them see the impact that lack of representation causes. Arming them with the tools, stats and the mindset to do better, we turned our staff into catalysts of change. Now with every brief comes the question: does this do right by the LGBTQ+ community?