Corporate Social Responsibility

Social change powered by the people within Lynx

Havas Sustainability

Launched in 2020, Impact+, our sustainable development strategy, brings together our objectives and actions. It is based on three pillars: People, Environment and Meaningful Communication.

Impact+ Our Pillars Documentation

#High5ives is our platform for supporting and enabling social change – globally and locally – powered by the people at the Havas Lynx.

We go beyond current thinking. We set the agenda. We lead the debate. This has impact. Enough to affect outcomes. To make a difference. It takes outstanding talent to do this. It takes collective commitment to do this. Ultimately, it comes down to a simple question… “do you want to change people’s lives for the better?” We do.


  • Corporate Social Responsibility


    Trees planted and protected to offset our carbon emissions

  • Corporate Social Responsibility


    Pints of blood donated

  • Corporate Social Responsibility


    Raised for charity

Every year, our employees choose three core charities for us to support as a business. Those supported include:

  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

Here are some key projects we have worked on over the years as part of our #High5ives programme:

Choosing reusables

Choosing reusables

Our environment means a lot to us at Havas Lynx. We have numerous #High5ives environmental initiatives running across Lynx each year to reduce our use of plastic and to support a greener office environment.

Every employee has received a reusable water bottle, thermos mug and branded ‘bag for life’. There are multiple recycling bins in all office areas and we have switched from buying milk in plastic bottles to glass (that's a saving of almost 8,000 plastic cartons each year!).

On top of reducing our use of plastics, we have made a conscious effort to switch to environmentally friendly cleaning products, and all lights across our offices have been fitted with timers to avoid wasting energy.

What's the Centrepoint of Christmas?

What's the Centrepoint of Christmas?

Everyone at Havas Lynx goes fundraising crazy at Christmas. In 2018, we chose to raise money for Centrepoint – the UK’s leading charity for young homeless people. It costs £144 per year to sponsor a room for one young homeless person. Our aim was to raise enough to sponsor 12 rooms, giving a dozen young people a roof over their heads for a whole year.

After almost three weeks of tireless fundraising from every team across Havas Lynx Group, collectively we raised a total of £16,361.25, providing 114 rooms for homeless young people across the country!

Havas Lynx Group beach clean

Havas Lynx Group beach clean

Towards the end of 2018, we took part in our first Havas Lynx beach clean at Ainsdale Beach in Southport. Within 2 hours we managed to fill 12 bags with rubbish, including old fireworks, confectionery wrappers, fishing wire and rope, straws, bottles, plastic bottle caps and bottle rings.

There was also a number of surprising discoveries such as balloons, dumped bags of dog waste, lenses from sunglasses, a padlock and even a part from a car! With our 2019 charity partner, Surfers Against Sewage, we will continue to improve our coastlines and waterways.

Blood donation

Blood donation

You don’t have to work in healthcare to know how important blood is. If you need it, you really need it. Since we started our office blood drives we’ve donated 255 pints of blood (and conquered a few needle-phobias along the way!). Each pint of blood can save up to 3 lives. We can proudly say that we have potentially saved the lives of around 765 people.

Upcycling technology

Upcycling technology

Each year we accumulate iMacs, phones and computers (to name a few) that we can no longer use within the business. But that doesn't mean it won't help someone else. In 2018 we gave away 20 iMac computers to schools and charities in Greater Manchester.

Dave Gorner, Head of IT and Neil Williams, Head of Film, went to St Andrew's Primary School in Ramsbottom to install 8 iMacs. Here is Dave's account of the impact it had:
"It is always good to be able to do something good to help make someone’s life better. It is a mantra that runs through Lynx like letters through Blackpool rock and so it was a joy to be able to use my #LYNXLife volunteer day to install a number of iMacs in the IT room of St. Andrews Primary School. The highlight for me was the number of small faces that appeared at the window of the room as we worked with the comment “don’t they look cool!” and I’m sad to say I don’t think they were referring either to myself or Neil."

Trees for miles

Trees for miles

International travel is a big part of our daily life as a global healthcare communications agency. A few years back, we decided to take responsibility for mitigating the impact this has on our planet.

Every business flight we make is offset by schemes to plant trees in the UK and protect rainforests in the Amazon.

Over the past few years we have planted and protected over 3,500+ trees to offset our carbon emissions, to hopefully make our planet cleaner and greener!