Don’t let haemophilia affect your love life Don’t let haemophilia affect your love life

Helping young men put their haemophilia worries to bed, using a language they understand

Don't let haemophilia affect your love life

Havas Lynx London

Research indicated that one of the greatest challenges young men with haemophilia face is lack of information about the impact of their disease on sex and intimacy – a basic human right that they felt they would miss out on but were too awkward to ask about.


We created a series of films to kick-start the conversation by
bringing to life a well-known pair of emojis typically used by our
audience when discussing sex. We interviewed real patients and
their partners to provide us with insights into how to manage
their haemophilia and relationships.

Don’t let haemophilia affect your love life


The result? In just four weeks, we received 1.5 million
impressions on our social channels and 42,000 visits to our
patient support site. Ultimately, our message implied that having
a love life with haemophilia needn’t be so complicated. We also
provided guidance on where to get the right support when it
was needed.

Don’t let haemophilia affect your love life