Re-inspiring disappointed patients to seek a better solution
Beach Dancer
Havas Lynx & Novartis
A global survey of 9,000 psoriasis patients by Novartis revealed that 55% of patients globally and 63% of UK patients don’t think that clear or almost clear skin is achievable. On average, patients see three different medical professionals and try four different treatments before finding something that works for them. We needed to re-inspire patients and encourage them to act.
Using channels rarely seen in pharma – especially in psoriasis – we cut through the noise and gave patients the motivation and confidence they need to ask their dermatologist for clear skin.
The campaign hit national radio, out of home, national press, social media, display advertising and TV to reach the audience wherever they are. The campaign was fully endorsed by The British Skin Foundation and EUROPSO (The European umbrella organisation for psoriasis movements).
Our activity connected with patients like never before. We used humour to raise expectations and empowered the audience to seek clear skin for themselves.

46% of all UK psoriasis sufferers agreed that The Ask for Clear campaign had an impact on their psoriasis care.
20% conversion rate for people returning to their dermatologist.
44% of dermatologists said patients visited because of the campaign.
The campaign reached over 143 million people in the UK alone.
“Hey I can’t believe my eyes, I saw my first ever TV advert for psoriasis! It was a tubby guy, in swimming briefs, dancing on a beach to music. It was funny. Finally, psoriasis is coming out of the closet!”
Patient – Psoriasis Forum