Why five minutes of fanny attention could save lives
Give Your Fanny Five
Havas Lynx Manchester & The Lady Garden Foundation
There’s plenty of conversations around checking our boobs, balls, and bums for cancer, but the chat around fannies and gynaecological health is yet to be normalized.
‘Give Your Fanny Five’, brazenly asks young people to do just one thing: spend five minutes getting to know their bits.

‘Give Your Fanny Five’, an integrated campaign that’s supported by gynae health charity, The Lady Garden Foundation, aimed to break the cultural taboo around vaginal self-exams and raise awareness about why it saves lives and how to perform it.
What made the campaign striking was its stopping power. With confident illustrations and vagina dialogue making their way into the public conversation. The placement of our message, from outside university buildings to inside freshers’ fairs and across socials, proved to be hugely effective, showing that by changing the language and the media of such a serious public message, we could empower those with vaginas to overcome embarrassment and perform life-saving self-exams.

For the first time, young people with fannies were getting fanny saving advice tailored to them, and it was resonating. 79% of people saying this campaign would make them stay up to date with regular self-checks and screenings.
Downloads of our online material – ‘The vagina dialogues’ – increased by 5509%, social impressions hit 2,416,158 with an average reach of 224,252, and The Lady Garden Foundation welcomed 16k new website users during the campaign, with an 80% organic search uplift