Havas Lynx Manchester
Google Parkinson’s and you’re faced with depressing images of hunched old men in cardigans. No wonder depression is twice as common in the newly diagnosed. So Parkylife was created to give a more realistic view of life with Parkinson’s.

The Parkinson’s community is a diverse bunch of people because the disease can actually affect any age, race or gender. And although it’s scary, Parky people have a uniquely positive and often humorous outlook on life.
So we gathered all of their positive thinking, tips, funny stories and inspiring quotes and brought them to life with bespoke illustrations. We made Parky Packs and distributed them to nearly a thousand patients worldwide from Canada to Australia. The charity Parkinson’s UK endorsed our initiative and requested a further 500 packs, while our website and social media became a place for people from all over the world to share their stories and experiences.
In 2023 we were invited to the World Parkinson’s Congress in Barcelona where we created the Art of the Wobble. Parkylife took over the entrance hall with a unique exhibition of our art that was printed on the floor – because Parky people often feel more comfortable looking down and the art acted as visual cues to aid walking.
We’ve been talked about on BBC Radio 5 Live, endorsed by celebrities, held fundraising exhibitions of the art, supported Parkinson’s charity events and shown up anywhere and everywhere for Parky people. With our unique and gloriously optimistic view of life, Parkylife proves that there really is a brighter side of Parkinson’s.