Image of the Barnabus rebrand in a newspaper. Rebranding Barnabus

Rebranding Barnabus

Rebranding Barnabus

For the journey off the streets

Barnabus is a charity that’s been helping Manchester’s homeless for 30 years. Despite its great work, the city has the third highest homelessness rate in the UK. There was a big job to do – but Barnabus had a challenge of its own. Its brand was dated and didn’t reflect its offering. As a result, donations were flatlining.

Rebranding Barnabus


We overhauled its brand, highlighting what made Barnabus unique: its long-term approach, supporting individuals until they can truly start afresh – with a new job, home, and life. Everything was built on the idea ‘For the journey off the streets’.

Rebranding Barnabus


A brand that was ready to lead the way in ending homelessness in Manchester.

Rebranding Barnabus