Two sisters sharing a moment holding the touchable memory. The Touchable Memory

Raising awareness without spreading fear

The Touchable Memory

Raising awareness without spreading fear

Usher Syndrome is a genetic condition that develops in children and young adults that causes varying degrees of hearing loss and visual impairment. Awareness of this condition is low, with 40% of people misdiagnosed, leading to families suffering with uncertainty and lack of time to prepare for an unavoidable new reality.

Since Usher Syndrome is currently incurable, how can we raise more awareness about this severe condition without spreading fear?


Society is obsessed with technology right now, with new tech devices having the power to capture people’s imagination and make a splash in our headlines. By combining modern science and technology, we aimed to pave the way for innovation and simultaneously raise awareness of Usher syndrome.

We partnered with Cambridge Design Partnership alongside Cure Usher Syndrome, to develop ‘The Touchable Memory’, a multi-sensory device that translates memories such as sounds and music into a tactile experience.

To launch the idea, we crafted a film to show the emotional journey and outcome of two sisters, one living with Usher Syndrome, interacting with The Touchable Memory.

Through this film we were able to show that living with Usher Syndrome doesn’t need to be scary, there is hope, and together, we will find a cure.

An image of the touchable memory device.


The film started conversations across social media, with people sharing their personal Usher stories. Across the UK, people were watching, sharing, and supporting others

Brand awareness was through the roof, the Cure Usher Syndrome website saw an influx of visits. Taking the previous 180 visits per month to 28,000 in just two weeks.

The message for everybody was loud and clear. Usher syndrome is incurable until we find the cure.